Monday, 17 August 2009

Have some purpose!

Whether you're employed, self employed, studying or any other activity for that matter, one of the 'big' questions is "Do you know why you are doing what you are doing?" Understanding your purpose is one of the key conditions to achieving outcomes. Why? Because it identifies the words that describe the feelings associated with the task and when a task has feeling it gets done better than if it doesn't.

Why are you there?

I'm running a training course with an associate this week and in the design of the course material we have decided to make delegates aware that any situation is measureable and quantifiable (to an extent) and actions like business networking are no different. As a business owner, you'll network, I'm sure, and as you attend events, formal or informal, how many of you 'know why you are there?" A silly question it may seem at first but when you think about it, do you have an objective at all? Do you know what could be measured in that environment, what objectives you could have created pre-event and how to track if you attained them or not? Just going with the notion of 'getting more business' is a little limiting. Partly for the fact that it won't happen.

You could set some 'goals'

If you do already set big and small goals then I'm positive that you are reaping the rewards of your thought processing and I wish you continued success! If you don't, you may want to think about why you are in attendance, what you could achieve in that environment, how you could set yourself goals in all areas that quantify the stepping stones to be taken towards the attainment of that objective and how you can start by documenting your plan for your next event!

3,4,6 or more....

With all that in mind, your focus will be towards achieving your objectives (whatever you set) that in turn will create the volume of contact you require to continuosly build new relationships. Without that in mind you might continue to walk away with the 3 or 4 or 6 cards that you always do....

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