Monday, 4 January 2010

Goal setting framework

Some people have them, some don't, most do and nearly all have ceased by the end of January........

Whatever you choose to commit to next year, follow through with it!! As well as giving up chocolate, beer, commitment to the gym, what about your business? What are you going to commit to doing next year?

If you want to grow you have to take action. Whether its taking more risks, committing to employing people to assist you, up skilling yourself in certain areas, or anything else, these pointers I've enclosed help with 'goal setting' which I thought you may find useful.

First off - Identify your objective. Yet when you say it, how much of a positive edge does it have? If you can't say it with meaning or passion find another goal!!

Set a time frame for achievement.

Identify the steps you have to take to get it.

Identify other resources/people required to achieve it.

Make sure you can easily achieve the first step to get you going.

Make sure you can you achieve the goal in more than one way? Flexibility is key.

Check that your commitment to this objective fits in with everything else in your current situation.

Check that the goal is ecological (you may want a 2 seater car but you know deep down its impractical for your family and you don't get a decent feeling when you think about the wider consequences involved)

And finally.......Start it.

Happy goal setting and all the best for 2010!


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