Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Launch of Youtube Channel

Hello Reader

Just a short note to say that there are a whole host of resources available for you at:




What's your business purpose?

Monday, 12 April 2010

Transforming your thoughts into Visual Action

Transforming the ideas and thoughts of yourself or others into an action plan so you can see exactly what it is you must do to get where you want to be, can be a chellenge for some.

Even writing notes, writing down goals, sometimes doesn't work. Reason? In my opinion, 'getting specific' in terms of identifying exactly what needs to be done to achieve, 'clustering of key tasks' that form a general action point and many other key techniques that really quantify thoughts into action plans and into preferred outcomes are generally missing. In addition, if a manager, consultant or business owner hasn't got or doesn't fully understand the process for 'chunking down' into communication or 'quantifying' the detail of a persons communication, then how do thoughts of the individual, the team or the client get put into action to get them where they need to be - performing to the highest standard possible?

One such tool available to do this has been developed and the process is referred to as 'Logo Visual Thinking'. It is a tool that takes a persons communication in either a 1-2-1 or group format at collates their language into transforms it into VISUAL tangible statements. These statements are then transported into a VISUAL sequence that defines the start and end point for the plan that needs to be taken to achieve the plan.

I watched Peter Cruikshanks, an Accredited Trainer of Logo Visual Thinking (LVT), demonstrate the tool at a seminar he ran. I thought (transforming thoughts into action now!...) to myself, "that's a pretty cool management tool" and could see the benefits for managers, business owners and consultants assisting business owners in developing actionable plans. After the event I approached Peter and mentioned to him where I felt 'even more value' could be added to the LVT tool in terms of the language the group used during the session, what exactly they meant when they said it, how a practitioner of the LVT tool could use rapport and language skills to heighten the experience for those using LVT with their clients. Peter and I agreed to discuss, using LVT......

After a few short, sharp meetings in the Village Hotel at Tingley, we extensively used LVT processes and techniques to formulate the plan to deliver a seminar that combines the benefits of LVT in business and NLP language tools so a whole host of business owners, managers and consultants can engage with the tool and its benefits, learn how to use it and really turn those amazing thoughts and ideas that we all have into visual action. (I knew it could be done!)

From personal experience, LVT was very easy to use, highly functional and really helped in 'seeing what needed to be done' and when it needed to be done by in a highly VISUAL way.

For more information on the seminar click here